
10 golden rules for beginner trading on the stock exchange

Note: This article discusses the French stock market and is therefore primarily intended for English speakers living in France. The stock market can be a fascinating but scary place. Although it rings of opportunity and significant potential profits for some, the stock exchange can represent a risky investment, whether for financial experts or those with conservative investment strategies. A vivid example of this risk was the disastrous crash of Eurotunnel stock prices in the late 1990s.

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A primer on French stock market orders

Note: This article discusses the French stock market and is therefore primarily intended for English speakers living in France. When you invest in the stock market in France, there are a variety of way to purchase or sell a security on the stock exchange depending on your desired price point as well as your buying or selling strategy. Placing stock market orders usually incurs transaction costs – so if you choose an order that is not adapted to your needs, it can quickly turn into an expensive mistake!

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'US person' status: financial restrictions for American expatriates in France

When you are an American citizen and you plan to become a resident of France, you should be aware that having the status of a “US person” can sometimes lead to unexpected consequences for your personal finances in France, particularly concerning whether (or not!) you will be able to open a bank account. It’s better to first prepare yourself to avoid some headaches and frustration … What is a “US person”?

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Le statut « US persons »: des contraintes pour vos finances personnelles

Lorsqu’on envisage un déménagement aux USA, notamment pour les personnes qui comme moi, ont la chance de pouvoir partir avec une carte verte en poche, il faut bien avoir conscience que le statut de « US person » pourra avoir des conséquences parfois inattendues sur vos finances personnelles. Mieux vaut donc les anticiper et effectuer quelques actions avant un départ pour les USA pour mettre d’équerre toutes vos finances personnelles.

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